Donald trump just the two of us
Donald trump just the two of us

donald trump just the two of us

Yes, I really do feel that Donald Trump has the interests of America at heart.

donald trump just the two of us

Most media outlets have attacked Trump with so much vitriol that they have turned him into a sympathetic figure. It is heartening to see someone as confident and impervious to criticism as Trump standing up to this ever-present mob … and winning! People tend to support the underdog. The average person is afraid of expressing any controversial opinion in a public forum for fear of being “exposed,” made viral, and ruined, personally and/or professionally. Rather, I feel that political correctness has run amok in this country, and we now live in a society where every blogger and Twitter user is searching for the slightest offense so they can try to ruin another human (famous, or not). I do not believe that I am a racist, sexist, homophobic, or any other negative label that has been affixed to Trump supports. This all ties back to the same fundamental thread: politicians have failed this country, leading to one loss after another. And now, it appears that the same thing has happened once again with the Iran negotiators. John Kerry (yes, the man I voted for) was out-negotiated time and time again by his Russian counterpart. To friends and family, I have long railed against the fact that America uses Presidential rejects and other back-bench political cronies as their chief negotiators. Rather than stiffening their spine and fighting to make America a prosperous nation for all, they simply talk, go through the motions, throw out a few “red meat” issues to keep their respective bases satisfied, and continue to concede American jobs and economic strength to the rest of the world. America and its leaders seem resigned to this fact. Trump strikes many of my nerves, but one of the most accurate and dangerously true statements he has made is that “America doesn’t win anymore.” I agree. I do, however, believe that our country is in a terrible position and on a terrible track. I support gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, and many other liberal positions.

donald trump just the two of us donald trump just the two of us

I more or less despised George Bush, and even though I leaned toward Hillary in 2008, I voted for Obama in 2012. I am an atheist, and my first ever Presidential vote was cast for John Kerry. I have been a liberal practically all of my life (29 years).


Below the table of contents you may find all the letters, presented in their full text, in no particular order. The table of contents has internal links for those who want to jump to a given entry, but don’t rely too heavily on the titles and short excerpts that I’ve chosen: Many of the responses contained so many rationales that summing them up proved impossible. Of course, anyone polling at the top of a major party is going to have supporters with all sorts of backgrounds and worldviews, and while the correspondence below includes several recurring themes, many of the rationales are singular. Broadly speaking, the men and women who wrote fall into two categories: Those who earnestly believe that Trump is the best choice to lead America and those who are motivated by giddyness at the chaotic spectacle of his success. And having read through this non-representative sample, I understand the candidate’s rise better than I did before. The dozens of replies that I received from across the United States make up the largest collection I’ve encountered of Trump supporters setting forth their thinking in their own words. Does Biden Have a Second Act? Ronald Brownstein

Donald trump just the two of us